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International Observe the Moon Night (IOTMN), 2023 October 21

IOTMN 2023 attracted about 300 people to the roof of the Math Sciences building on Saturday

night. Between 7:00 pm and 9:30 pm, and under perfect skies, visitors were able to use five

different telescopes to view the Moon, Jupiter (with all four Galilean satellites neatly aligned)

and Saturn (with rings). In addition, numerous large meteorites, including examples from the

Moon and Mars were on display, provided by the Utas Family. A continuous loop Apollo

movie projected on the side of a dome attracted a lot of interest, as did non-stop narration of a

Diviner-related display supported by an IR camera. Most visitors attended every station, some

returning for another look through the same telescope or to ask another question with a


IOTMN 2023 Contributors were

Abraham Amiri

Tyler Horvath (the new Tyler)

David Jewitt

Yoonyoung Kim

Jing Li

Emmanuel Masongsong

Dave Milewski

David Paige

The Family Utas (Peter & Jason Utas and Barbara Broide)

Jaahnavee Venkatraman

Apologies if I left anybody off the list.

We will welcome volunteers next year to help make IOTMN 2024 even better.

Pictures by Abraham Amiri, Dave Paige and David Jewitt